How do I navigate a GeoLive map?
The actions described below can be performed by all registered and unregistered users.
How do I adjust a map's appearance?
The Google Map controls, found in the top right hand corner, allow users to toggle between map, satellite and terrain views.
How do I adjust the map view?
The ZOOM, PAN, and STREET view controls, found in the top left hand corner, allow users to manipulate the current map view.
To display street view, the icon ‘pegman’ can be dragged and dropped onto the map. Not all locations have street view. The pegman will be colored organge if there are street view locations nearby.
What actions do the map tiles perform?
The full screen button makes the map fill the entire browser, clicking on it again will revert the map to its previous size.
The home button resets the map to its original position and zoom level.
The padlock opens the login screen. Users that are registered and logged in can contribute project markers to the map.
How do I access the information contained in map markers?
Click on a map marker to open its information window.
How do I view different layers of the map?
The legend, located in the bottom left hand corner of the map, controls the different map layers. Clicking on a layer’s tile will turn it on or off. Hovering over a layer’s tile will display more information about the layer contents. The legend can be expanded to show the layer tiles, or minimized to take up less space.
How do I search the map's database?
The search box helps users find map markers placed on the map by other users. As a user types into the search box the map will actively filter content and zoom to best contain the displayed items. Select markers or addresses from the search view drop down menu to zoom into that marker or area.
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How do I add a placemarker to the map?
Users must be logged in to add placemarkers to a map. There are two ways to add placemarkers:
Drag and drop:
Drag the map placemarker icon to the desired location on the map. Once the placemarker is dropped the marker wizard will be initiated.
Search and drop:
Using the search box type the address of the location you would like to drop a placemarker (this can be very precise as GeoLive uses the Google Maps search functionality). Choose the appropriate address from the dropdown selection. The map will zoom to that area on the map. Once the map is in the correct location drag the map placemarker icon to the desired location on the map. After the placemarker is dropped the marker wizard will be initiated.
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How do I edit placemarkers on a map?
Users must be logged in to edit placemarkers. Click on a placemarker to select it. Users with permission to edit placemarkers will see four “editing related” buttons; COPY, MOVE, EDIT, and DELETE. These can be used to edit placemarker details.
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Adjusting a Map’s Appearance

Accessing Marker Information

Adding a Marker: Drag & Drop

Adding a Marker: Search & Drop

Introducing GeoLive

Using the Search Bar

Editing a Map Marker

Understanding the Legend

Roles of the Map Tiles