A GeoLive map acts as a medium through which registered users can share their own multimedia information and experiences about a specific place. GeoLive is a versatile tool that we have used to support a number of web-based participatory mapping projects, ranging from small simple maps displaying points, lines and polygons, through to complex projects with strict user groups and access permissions. We continue to create tailored and customizable web mapping solutions for organizations, businesses and individuals wishing to crowdsource spatial data.
Allow your users to add more than just text to map markers. When adding a marker users can opt to add image, audio, or video files.
At GeoLive we don't believe one method satisfies all, every aspect of your map can be customized. Check out the customizations used by researchers working on the Inclusive Employment Project to make their map accessible to individuals with intellectual disabilities.
Let us give you a secure way to store your data, your GeoLive map will be hosted on our secure server so you never have to worry about others taking advantage of the information users place on your map. Need to repurpose the data on your map, no problem all information contained in map makers can be exported in a variety of file formats.
Multiple registered users can simultaneously add, edit, and share points on your map.
We are currently developing an iOS application that will allow users to seamlessly add data directly onto your map.
Registered administrators are able to create different layers, adapt the user interface, and create custom icon sets.
Data can be organized not only spatially, but also chronologically.
Every aspect of GeoLive can be customized to fit your needs.
Make large and complex data sets manageable and meaningful.
Download contributed datasets and repurpose or reuse them using other database software.
Categorize map points by creating different map layers. Filter map contents by easily turning layers on or off.
You specify which map data users can access. Additionally, each individual user is able to specify who is able to view the markers he or she places on the map.
Do you have a project that requires an interactive map but aren't sure if GeoLive is the right tool? Chances are it is, GeoLive is completely customizable. We will work with you to create a map that fits your needs. Want more information? Send us an email using the contact form below and we will get back to you as soon as possible.